Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Generation 1.7

It's been just over a week since Gussie's death, I haven't been able to do much of anything. I quit my job as a stripper, which shouldn't come as much of a surprise. I've mostly just been focusing my attention on Kalon, I am all he has now.
It hasn't really set in yet, like the fact that he's gone. The fact that he killed himself. The fact that it was because of me. I truly ruined his life.

Kalon has been growing right before my eyes, it's hard to believe how big he is getting.
I've been trying so hard to stay strong for Kalon, but sometimes I just can't help but cry.
Oh, and the worst part is...
 I'm pregnant.
Just stay calm Kaylee, think about Kalon, he needs you.
"Who's going to be a big brother?" I ask him, watching as he takes one of his fingers and points at himself. "That's right!" I praise him, hugging him tightly.
"Time for bed, Kal." I say softly, bringing him over to his crib. I place him in carefully and kiss his forehead, "Goodnight sweetie, I love you." I whisper, and tiptoe out of his room.
After putting Kalon to bed I quickly changed into my pajamas, let my hair down, and slipped into my own bed.
The next morning I woke up to the sound of Kalon crying, and quickly walked into his room.
"Goodmorning cutie!" I sang softly, picking him up gently. I was instantly greeted with a horrific smell, and rushed to change his diaper.
 Just as I was giving Kalon his breakfast, there was a mysterious knocking on the front door. "I'll be back in a minute, okay?" I told Kalon, who couldn't care less as he was much more interested in his baby food.
I headed downstairs and approached the door, opening to find an elderly man, who began to shake my hand.
 "Um, hello.." I greeted awkwardly, "I'm-"
"Kaylee Jenner." He interrupted, smiling at me. I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off, "You worked over at Bronco's, didn't you?" The man asked.
"Oh, I don't do that anymore-" I assured quickly, but he cut me off once more.
"Well, Denver Bronco happens to be a good friend of mine," He started, I listened intently, trying to understand what he was talking about, "And when I told him I needed a beautiful girl to star in my new music video, he was quick to refer me to you!" He said enthusiastically, waiting for a response.
I raised an eyebrow, suddenly realizing who this was. "Wait, are you Johnny Johnson?" I asked, feeling foolish for not recognizing him before. He nodded plainly, still waiting for my response. "I- I don't think I'm right for the job.." I said with a sigh, turning away slowly.
"I'll pay you enough money to move out of this crappy house." He says, and I turn back towards him.
I bite my lip nervously, that's a lot of money. "Okay.. I'm in." I agree finally, and he smiles with excitement. He hands me his card and tells me he has to go, so I wave and thank him for this opportunity, and then he left.
 The next few days had gone surprisingly smoothly, which I was extremely relieved about. I mostly just rested, as pregnancy really wore me out. Usually I would just lay down on the couch and watch movies while Kalon played with his toys, he was very independent, so he didn't require much attention.
Some days I felt bad though, all he would do is sit around and talk to this special toy I got him. I made the mistake of telling him what it said on the box it came in: If you love it enough, it will become real. Needless to say he's been playing with it ever since.
Then, just as I was finally starting to relax, this happens.
I sure can't wait until I can just pay someone to do this for me.
After finally unclogging the vomit infested toilet, it was back to watching KidZ Zone with Kalon.
"Alright little man, time for bed!" I sang, picking up Kalon, who seemed to be much too tired to put up a fight.
"Goodnight, Kal." I whispered, kissing him softly and tucking him in.
Just then I felt a familiar pain approaching in my stomach, and immediately I knew it was time.
The baby's coming!
And, for some reason, this time was much more painful than the last.
...and Kody.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Generation 1.6

It was a pretty normal evening, not unlike any other. Gussie had headed off to work his night shift, and I left for the club.
Tonight was a special night at Bucking Bronco's, there was a business convention going on in Appaloosa Plains; and what's the one thing business men like more than money? Strippers.
I rushed out the door as soon as the babysitter arrived, grabbing my coat on the way.
The club was booming, I quickly ran into the dressing room and slipped on my skanky outfit, then headed out into the club.
I scoped out the place for potential customers, and came across a police officer. He seemed to be eying me from across the room, so I approached him, walking slow and seductively.
"May I help you, officer?" I asked, caressing his cheek.
He grinned deviously, "You've been a very naughty girl.." He teased.
"Have I now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow flirtatiously.
He nodded, winding his arms around my waist. He spun me around and pinned me against the wall, "So.. Very.. Naughty.." He whispered, burrying his face in my chest.
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, appeared a man. I squinted through the darkness of the room, and sure enough, it was Gussie.
He just stared at first, as if he was trying to tell if he was mistaken. Finally he spoke, "Kaylee?" He asked, so much pain was in his voice. I nodded slow and shamefully, feeling tears form in my eyes.
He covered his mouth with his hand, he really looked like he was in shock. I moved closer to him, trying to put a hand on his shoulder, but he backed away. I tried to explain, but he left, probably going back home.
I sighed, he'll get over it. I turned back to the man and he pulled me into his grasp once more, kissing me passionately.
I headed home after a long nights work, the pay makes it all worth it though. I stepped out of my taxi and started up the walkway, heading inside the house. "Gussie, baby? Alana's home and she wants to make it up to yo-" I stopped and covered my mouth and nose, a horrific smell filled the house.
"Gussie!" I screamed, running through the house.
I ran nervously to the bathroom, where I was hit with the worst of the smell. I clasped my hands over my mouth, looking down slowly.
"Gussie!" I screamed, staring at my husband. He was lying on the ground, and there was a small pile of pills and an empty bottle of liquor beside him.
"Wake up! Gussie, wake up!" I yelled, crying hysterically while shaking his limp body. Nothing.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Generation 1.5

"He's perfect." Gussie whispers, gazing into the eyes of our new baby boy.

"Kalon. His name is Kalon." I say, smiling at the two.

"It's a good thing Jerry could finish his room in time, or else this little guy would be sleeping on the ground." Gussie joked, bringing Kalon into his new room.

"Yes, it was very nice of your friend to do this for us." I say softly, feeling relieved that the pain was over.

"Goodnight Kalon." Gussie and I both said, "I love you."

And with that we got ourselves to bed, it was in fact midnight.

I woke up alone that morning, Gussie must've already been downstairs. I made my way to the kitchen, feeling hungry for breakfast.

"Baby... What are you doing? Did you sleep down here?" I asked, watching Gussie slowly wake up.

"Huh? Oh... I must've fallen asleep doing the taxes... Baby, look, we can't afford this house. With you working as a receptionist, and me as a bartender, it's just too much." He said, not making eye contact.

"Don't be silly, I'll just pick up a second job!" I say, trying to sound confident.

"Are you sure?" He asked, seeming to like the idea. I nodded, and he agreed to it.

"I'm going to go get dressed, okay?" I say, heading up stairs.

I hurry over to our dresser, and riffle through my underwear drawer. "Here it is." I whisper, pulling out the card from that lady at the park. I dial the number in my cell phone...

I get through to Denver Bronco, and he tells me I can come in for an interview today. Although I wasn't very keen on the idea of becoming a stripper, I was willing to do what was necessary to save this family.

"I'm going out for a bit, babe." I say, walking out the door.

"Have fun." Gussie mumbles, falling back asleep.

Here we are... I stepped out of the taxi and made my way up to the club, and headed inside.

I stepped into some sort of dressing, nobody was there, so I figured I'd mess around with the makeup station.

The black wig looked perfect, and this way I could still show my face in public.

I left the costume room, looking for Denver. I found the man I assumed was him, and approached him nervously. "Denver?" I asked, shaking his hand.

"Oh of course not. I'm Tate, I do the interviews for him. You are?" He asked, speaking confidently.

"Uh... I'm Alana, pleasure to meet you." I say with a smile, trying to look cute.

"Alana. I love the look, I think you'll be a perfect fit. Tonight, ten o'clock, be here." He said, and began to walk away.

That's it? Well, at least I got the job.

As I left the building I threw off the wig, stuffing it in my pocket. Luckily it wasn't that big. I took a taxi home, by the time I got there it was about six.

I came inside to find Gussie sitting on the couch, all dressed up. "Hey Guss, what's with the outfit? Are you going out somewhere?"

"Yeah, I was waiting for you to get home, my boss called and said I have to work tonight." He said, sighing.

"Oh... Okay, I guess I'll take care of Kalon." I say, and he nods thankfully.

Ten o'clock rolls around and I call up a babysitter to watch Kalon, so I can go out for my first night of work. I was kind of happy that Gussie was working, it meant I didn't have to make up an excuse.

I put my wig on in the bathroom, touched up my makeup slightly, and headed out to the club.

As soon as I got there I was given my outfit, and told to put it on. I headed into the dressing room, and quickly quickly got dressed, then headed out into the club.

I see a man in a fancy black suit, he calls me over. I sigh and head over, time to make some money.

We start to dance together, I desperately try to avoid eye contact with this man, I don't want anyone realizing who I am.

This isn't so bad. The rest of the night went pretty much the same, dancing with random men, getting lots of tips.

I headed back home at around 3am, hoping not to wake anyone.

I head into the kitchen an, to my horror, Gussie is sitting at the table.

"Kaylee?" He asks, raising an eyebrow in shock.

I quickly think, come on Kaylee! Then it hits me, roleplay. "Kaylee? Oh no, I'm Alana." I say seductively, smiling weakly.

Gussie walks over to me, smiling smugly. "Let's just make this quick, my wife will be home soon." He says with a wink, I feel so relieved that he's playing along.